Link ID |
164251 |
Title |
东莞市雷盛纺织品有限公司 |
Url |
http://www.leinuofangzhi.com/ |
Description |
橡胶部门:TPE瑜伽垫,TPE菩拉提垫,TPE地毯,TPE地垫,TPE儿童安全垫,TPE 鞋材,SEBS发泡,EVA高发泡。
本公司所采用材料均是最新研究成果。部分材料均达到SGS RoHS EN71,橡胶类的PAHs,REACH38检测。只要您:需要的,我们会一直开发研究。直到您的满意!不同的价格总有一款适合您!
雷盛的员工:要诚实不要谎言,要进步不要倒退,要认真不要马虎,要雄心不要怯心! |
Category |
纺织、印染 > 贸易公司 |
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Date |
May 24, 2011 |
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我司是一家大型的中港合资拉链专业拉生产厂家,有20年的拉链专业制造经验,主要产品有:3#,4#,5#,7#,8#,10#等塑钢,金属,尼龙,隐形各种拉链。产品经香港ITS机构(Intertek Testing Services,香港政府所认定之专业品质检测实验室,成员包括英,美国家标准委员会)检测,符合欧美国家标准。本公司实施的标准主要是英国国家标准(BS3084--1992),于1999年7月通过ISO9002国际质量体系认证,根据OKO-Tex Standar100标准,并于2000年8 月通过瑞士纺织检定有限公司环保产品符合欧美市场标准,并拥有一条龙生产技术和设备,下设织带染色厂,拉链头厂,塑钢拉链厂,金属尼龙拉链具有规格齐全,质量保证,价格合理,交货快捷的特点。
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Anqing WeRema Trading Co., Ltd|
Established in 2001, Anqing WeRema Trading Co., Ltd. is very fast growing company, engaged in Healthcare Equipment. Our strong network of distribution facilities with particular emphasis on production design, quality assurance, product development and logistics. It guarantees global presence in cooperation with our business partners from more 80 countries.
Focus on Customers and Help Customers Deliver Quality Health Care
Our success is attributed to the passion of our team and the loyalty of our customers who we thank for entrusting us to provide your healthcare equipment solutions. You have recognised our capacity to offer product without comparison in the market and satisfy your needs to the highest expectation. At WeRem we listen. We have taken on board the voice of healthcare professionals, nurses and carers to create designs that exceed patient care expectations. We strive to deliver complete customer satisfaction through our innovative designs and top quality manufacturing. We uphold the highest ethics to provide warm and professional customer support, whatever your needs. Ultimately, we facilitate state of the art patient transfer and care for each of our clients. By listening to those in the industry, we are able to develop and source the very best in our hospital and medical equipment and other type of medical products, so you can care for your patients with absolute confidence.
The Healthcare Equipment Supplier that Chinese Healthcare Trusts
WeRema is a highly-specialised, innovative manufacturer, designing healthcare equipment for specific areas in medical care, hospitalization units and home health care. Our brand offers several series of healthcare equipment such as medical trolleys, hospital beds, homecare beds and wheelchair etc. Our products embody the real needs of healthcare providers, to solve problems that other healthcare equipment suppliers can’t.
WeRema, a World of Experience and Reliability
Our products have been developed with extensive professional input and are recognised globally as a premium brand. We supply our products both nationally and internationally through a network of distributors. At present, WeRema has more than 100 distributors and dealers worldwide. And over 70% of products exported to around 80 countries throughout the world.